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Turkish Nationalism and the Nationalist Movement Party in the Centennial of the Republic of Türkiye

Turkish Nationalism and the Nationalist Movement Party in the Centennial of the Republic of Türkiye

30 Ekim 2024
Siyaset, Hukuk ve Yönetim Araştırmaları Merkezi Kitap



The national identity of the Turkish nation, with its ancient roots, and the loyalty to this identity have been significant since its emergence on the historical stage. This attachment, which has persisted from the past into the present, has manifested as nationalism in the modern era. Modern Turkish nationalism exhibits a distinct character compared to most contemporary forms of nationalism, particularly those developed in the West. Primarily, Turkish nationalism is an ideology that rejects all forms of exclusion and aggression, fundamentally opposing racism. By centering its principles around the concepts of homeland and nation, it views Turkishness not as an ethnicity but as a definition of nationhood based on a shared sense of belonging. These attributes set it apart from its Western counterparts and modernist interpretations, rendering Turkish nationalism unique.

The racist ideologies that emerged during the first half of the 20th century, along with the aggressive racist interpretations fueled by increasing anti-immigrant sentiments in the 21st century, are both indefensible. These ideologies cannot be classified as nationalism in any meaningful sense. The notions presented as nationalism in Western literature are fundamentally incompatible with Turkish nationalism.

While the definition of a nation views the world as a community of nations, Turkish nationalism also aspires to a world in which human rights are more robustly upheld. It advocates for a more equitable international system. To achieve a just, prosperous, and peaceful world, there must be an understanding that places the reality of nations at its core. Each nation should be regarded as a cultural asset, and every nation must pursue the goal of preserving and enhancing its own culture. In this way, each nation will contribute to the advancement of global civilization.

In line with this understanding, TASAV has prepared this book to elucidate the fundamental ideological foundations and principles of Turkish nationalism, articulate the mission of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) as the political representative of this ideology, and narrate the party’s political history. Our objective is to convey the distinctive aspects of Turkish nationalism and the MHP, emphasizing their commitment to human values and their vision for civilization, all while employing academic language and a scientific perspective.

This book seeks to enhance the understanding of Turkish nationalism and the MHP’s role in shaping Türkiye’s national identity by examining the ideological foundations and historical developments associated with the party. It also aims to highlight the MHP’s contributions to Turkish politics while emphasizing the importance of an inclusive and constructive form of nationalism, as represented by the MHP. In doing so, we hope to enrich the ongoing discourse on national identity and cultural preservation, providing insights that resonate both within Türkiye and in the broader international context.

To achieve this aim, we have prepared this book by translating key sections from the previously published Turkish work titled “Cumhuriyetin Yüzüncü Yılında Türk Milliyetçiliği ve Milliyetçi Hareket Partisi,” which was released to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Republic of Türkiye. We hope this work will serve as a valuable reference for scholars in the field and provide insights for all readers interested in the subject.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the book’s editors, Asst. Prof. Hasan Bozkurt ÇELİK and Konur Alp KOÇAK, a Member of Parliament representing the MHP, as well as to all the contributing authors, the TASAV staff, and everyone involved in the publication process.

İsmail Faruk AKSU
President of TASAV


This study has been prepared by translating selected sections of the book titled “Cumhuriyetin Yüzüncü Yılında Türk Milliyetçiliği ve Milliyetçi Hareket Partisi,” which was originally published in Turkish in 2023 to commemorate the centenary of the establishment of the Republic of Türkiye.

While rooted in ancient traditions, Turkish nationalism began to develop its modern form during the late periods of the Ottoman Empire. It is important to emphasize the use of both “ideology” and “sentiment” in this context. In the literature, nationalism is often discussed either solely as an invented ideology or merely as a feeling or emotion, which is an insufficient approach. Both perspectives are incomplete; therefore, nationalism should be examined as a dual-faceted phenomenon.

This study focuses not on theories of nationalism per se but rather on the example of Turkish nationalism and the place and role of the Nationalist Movement Party within Turkish political life. In both Turkish and English literature, texts that attempt to transcend or eliminate nationalism often interpret Turkish nationalism in a negative light. However, nationalism should not be viewed solely in positive or negative terms. As one of the most influential and defining ideas of the modern era and one of the most striking sentiments in human history, nationalism must be approached with the goal of understanding. Here, “understanding” refers to identifying rather than adopting. Every event or phenomenon in political history should be examined objectively rather than subjectively.

This study aims to understand and explain the ideological, social, and political dimensions of Turkish nationalism and the Nationalist Movement Party. This endeavor necessitates a multifaceted and interdisciplinary approach. Any discourse on this subject will inevitably be incomplete, representing a significant limitation of this study. Each chapter of the book has been developed using different methodologies. However, in selecting the topics for these chapters, consideration has been given to aspects such as the interpretation of Turkish nationalism and the Nationalist Movement Party in relation to political life, perspectives on international relations, the theoretical meanings attributed to the concepts of nation and nationalism, and comparisons with similar phenomena worldwide.

The first chapter of the book is titled “Turkish Nationalism: Ideological and Theoretical Boundaries,” written by Prof. Tevfik Erdem. In this chapter, Erdem examines the ideological significance of Turkish nationalism and provides his definition of the concept of nation. He addresses the deep historical roots of Turkish national identity and explains the emergence of modern Turkish nationalism. Furthermore, while assessing the Republican era, Erdem discusses the future of Turkish nationalism in the context of globalization. However, this chapter emphasizes the ideological foundation rather than providing a historical narrative, interpreting other elements within this framework.

Following the ideological discussion, the book examines the impact of Turkish nationalism on the founding philosophy of the Republic of Türkiye. The chapter titled “Turkish Nationalism as the Founding Philosophy of the Republic and the Nationalist Movement Party as Its Institutional Representation,” written by Prof. M. Hanifi Macit, explores this subject. Macit first examines the philosophy of the Turkish state, offering a historical and philosophical perspective. He focuses on concepts such as state intellect and survival while emphasizing the decisive role of nation and nationalism.

After exploring the impact of Turkish nationalism on the founding philosophy of the Republic of Türkiye, it is beneficial to analyze its political history. The chapter titled “Turkish Nationalism: From Empire to Republic,” written by Res. Asst. Satuk Bugra Cetinkaya, serves as a starting point for this discussion. It is considered a starting point because it addresses the evolution of modern Turkish nationalism from the imperial period to the republican era. It is important to note that while many of the writings in this book contain a narrative of political history, this chapter specifically emphasizes an analysis from the perspective of political history.

Following Çetinkaya’s chapter, which focuses on the late Ottoman period, Hasan Bozkurt Çelik’s work titled “The Mark of Turkish Nationalism on Turkish Political Life: The Nationalist Movement Party and the Idealist-Nationalist Movement, Past and Present” examines the role of Turkish nationalism in political life, beginning with nationalist political organizations of the late Ottoman era. The study explores the emergence of nationalist politics as a “third way” during the early years of the Republic. It traces the evolution from the Millet (Nation) Party—the political representative of traditional Turkish nationalism—to the founding of the Nationalist Movement Party. Once established, the unique position of the Nationalist Movement Party in Turkish political life is analyzed in depth. The chapter investigates the party’s distinctiveness compared to other political organizations, while also offering a historical account of key political events the party has experienced.

It is also important to examine the ideological background of Turkish nationalism in a comparative context, beyond the realm of political life. The chapter written by Prof. Nihat Yılmaz serves this purpose. The chapter, titled “A Comparative Evaluation of Nationalism Perceptions and Understandings: Western Nationalisms vs. Turkish Nationalism,” compares Turkish nationalism with Western nationalism. It juxtaposes the perceptions of nation and nationalism in Western societies with those expressed by Turkish nationalists. In doing so, it compares the meanings that not only nationalists but also societies attribute to the concepts of nation and nationalism. Yılmaz emphasizes that the concept of nation in the West aligns more closely with a homogenizing understanding, whereas in Turkish society, it is based on a tradition of coexistence that is more inclusive. He argues that Turkish nationalism is not aggressive or derogatory, but rather inclusive and focused on strengthening its own nation, using significant concepts from Turkish history as a foundation.

Following this comparative analysis, the subject is approached from a more specific perspective by Assoc. Prof. Gökberk Yücel, who argues that Turkish nationalism presents an ontological security approach, which is further exemplified by the Nationalist Movement Party. In the chapter titled “Ontological Security Approach in Turkish Nationalism: Nationalist Movement Party,” Yücel discusses the role and impact of nationalism in the formation of Turkish ontological security, drawing from the ontological security framework in international relations. He examines this not only within the borders of Türkiye but also in the context of the Turkic world.

After a chapter that encompasses both international relations and the perspective of the Turkic world, it is necessary to include a study on the international vision of the Nationalist Movement Party. The chapter titled “Analyzing the ‘Leader Country’ Vision of the Nationalist Movement Party in the Context of Turkish Foreign Policy,” written by Prof. Yalçın Sarıkaya, addresses this topic. The section examines the party’s frequently emphasized goal of elevating the Republic of Türkiye to a “leader country” status in the world within the context of Turkish foreign policy. This study, which includes the party’s interpretations of Turkish foreign policy in political life, explores the “leader country” objective as an alternative to the global order.

This study, enriched by the contributions of esteemed scholars, seeks to enhance the English-language literature on Turkish nationalism and the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP). While the range of topics and concepts covered is broad, the central aim is to provide a comprehensive analysis of Turkish nationalism and the MHP's role across various domains, from political history to international relations. The work endeavors to challenge the often negative interpretations found in the literature, offering instead a more balanced and scientific perspective.

The significance of this book lies not only in its contribution to the academic discourse on Turkish nationalism but also in its potential to inspire further research and dialogue on the role of nationalism in shaping political ideologies and movements. As the Nationalist Movement Party continues to evolve and address both domestic and international challenges, it is crucial to revisit and critically assess its ideological foundations. This book provides a platform for such reflection, encouraging scholars and readers to explore the depth of Turkish nationalism and its influence on Türkiye’s political landscape. By fostering this exploration, the book seeks to deepen understanding of nationalism as a dynamic and impactful force in modern political history.

Hasan Bozkurt ÇELİK & Konur Alp KOÇAK


H. Bozkurt ÇELİK & Konur Alp KOÇAK

Tevfik ERDEM
Turkish Nationalism: Ideological and Theoretical Boundaries

M. Hanifi MACİT
Turkish Nationalism as the Founding Philosophy of the Republic and the Nationalist Movement Party as its Institutional Representation

Turkish Nationalism: From Empire to Republic

H. Bozkurt ÇELİK 
The Mark of Turkish Nationalism on Turkish Political Life: The Nationalist Movement Party and the Idealist-Nationalist Movement, Past and Present

A Comparative Evaluation of Nationalism Perceptions and Understandings: Western Nationalisms vs. Turkish Nationalism

Gökberk YÜCEL
Ontological Security Approach in Turkish Nationalism: Nationalist Movement Party

Analyzing the “Leader Country” Vision of the Nationalist Movement Party in the Context of Turkish Foreign Policy